HackTheBox | Devvortex Walkthrough
Hi Folks!
Hope you are doing well ❤️.

let’s get started with enumeration.
But first, let’s add the domain name to the hosts file.
echo "<target_ip> devvortex.htb" >> /etc/hosts
Nmap Scan
nmap -T4 -v -p- -sCV <target_ip>

We got two open ports: port 22 running a SSH, port 80 running HTTP.
Web Enumeration

Doing some manual enumeration as well as using dirsearch
to fuzz directories and reading the source code, I got nothing.
I thought of brute forcing subdomains, as a last step before digging deeper.
Here, I like to use wfuzz
and as I expected, I found a subdomain.
wfuzz -w <wordlist> -u http://devvortex.htb/ -H 'Host: FUZZ.devvortex.htb' -t 60 --hc 302

So let’s add the new subdomain to /etc/hosts
Subdomain Enumeration

Doing manual enumeration again, I got nothing.
Here I used dirsearch
to fuzz directories.

Administrator endpoint caught my eyes.

It’s Joomla CMS. So let’s look for its version as it may have a CVE.
Navigating through /README.txt
endpoint reveals the version.

Googling this version, I found it has Unauthenticated Information Disclosure CVE-2023–23752.
We can use this POC.
It didn’t work with me and it gave me a lot of errors. Here, I read the source code and I get where the vulnerability is.

Navigating through the response, I found credentials.

Here, I tried to login to SSH, but it didn’t work. So let’s login to Joomla Administrator Portal.

So let’s try to modify any template to get a shell on the box.

On clicking save and going to the modified link, I got a hit.

Lateral Movement
By doing some basic enumeration, I found mysql port is open used by Joomla.

So let’s connect to MySQL server using the found credentials.

Duming the joomla database, I got the hash of the other user on the box.

Let’s crack the hash.

Let’s try to SSH using the new credentials and it worked this time.

Privilege Escalation
By running sudo -l
as a basic enumeration, we can run apport-cli
as root.

Here, I decided to get its version as it may have an exploitation.

Here, I googled the version and after some time, I got another CVE-2023–1326.
By following the POC, I was able to become root!!

This was great fun!
I hope you enjoyed the walkthrough. I waiting for your feedbacks.
Don’t forget to check other walkthroughs.