HackTheBox | Pilgrimage Walkthrough
Hi Folks!
Hope you are doing well.

let’s get started with enumeration.
Nmap Scan
nmap -T4 -v -p- -sCV <target_ip>

We got two open ports: port 22 running a SSH, port 80 running HTTP.
The nmap disclose domain name. so let’s add it to the hosts file.
echo "<target_ip> pilgrimage.htb" >> /etc/hosts
Web Enumeration

We got a file upload feature, which might have a file upload vulnerability. Additionally, we can register and log in.
I run dirsearch
while I was doing some testing on the upload function and trying to upload a reverse shell, but it didn’t work.
dirsearch -u http://pilgrimage.htb/

There’s a .git
directory. So let’s try to dump the source code.
git-dumper http://pilgrimage.htb/.git/ git

After downloading the /.git
using the git-dumper tool, we were able to examine the source code of the web application.

After a while of analyzing the source code, I found the application use ImageMagick and we got its binary dumped from git.

Let’s get magick version, there may be an exploit.

After searching online for a vulnerability, I found it has a Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability with CVE-2022–44268 .
Following the steps of this repo, we can read internal files.
First, we generate a modified PNG file that will allow us to upload it to the system. Once the file is downloaded, we can then read the contents of our /etc/passwd
file from that modified file.
cargo run "/etc/passwd"

After uploading the image, we can download the processed image to read the file from.
By running identify -verbose
on the downloaded image, we got a encoded hex value.

By decoding it, we got the /etc/passwd

We got there is an emily
user at the end of /etc/passwd
So I tried to read the content of /home/emily/.ssh/id_rsa
using the same method, but unfortunately, we got no results.
So let’s try to access the database file that we’ve identified its path from the source code.

Let’s do it.
cargo run "/var/db/pilgrimage"

Upload the image and download the processed image, then identify the image and get hex data with significant amount of null value.
By decoding it, we got a login credentials for user emily

Lateral Movement
SSH Login
Let’s try to login with the found credentials.

It worked!!
Privilege Escalation
I tried to do some manual enumeration, but I got nothing.
I decided to use linpeas, I found that there’s a process and the root user is executing a file named /usr/sbin/malwarescan.sh

Let’s try to read the file.

This Bash script appears to be a file monitoring script that uses
to watch a directory (/var/www/pilgrimage.htb/shrunk/
) for newly created files. When a new file is created in that directory, It extracts the filename from the output ofinotifywait
commands. It then uses/usr/local/bin/binwalk
to analyze the binary content of the file specified by the extracted filename. It checks if the output ofbinwalk
contains any of the strings listed in theblacklist
array. If any of the blacklisted strings are found in thebinout
variable (which stores the output ofbinwalk
), it deletes the file using/usr/bin/rm
So let’s get binwalk

After searching, we found this version has a vulnerability that allows arbitrary code execution, CVE-2022–4510.
I used this repo, we will just modify an image and upload it in /var/www/pilgrimage.htb/shrunk/
directory, then we will setup a listener to get a reverse shell.
Let’s do it.

Create a listener ,then upload the image.

When the script is executed again, we get root.

This was great fun!
I hope you enjoyed the walkthrough. I waiting for your feedbacks.
Don’t forget to check other walkthroughs.